Advice, Tips & Tricks

Best Wallpaper Type for a Nursery
Peel and sticks is preferred but we recommend a traditional type if you are going with an installer…
Wallpapering Over Textured Walls
Walls are textured to avoid finishing them, as a result they are not plumb or perfectly vertical...
Why do you sell so many wallpaper materials?
Because after years going through customer issues it’s not a scenario of one material to fit all walls. 
Peel and Stick Wallpaper to last for long time
Securing you removable wallpaper with a trim will guarantee a healthy lasting on the wall.
Peel and Stick Wallpapers over Low VOC Paints 
Low VOC paints needs to be washed before applying peel and stick wallpaper with rubbing alcohol.
How to repair peel and stick wallpaper

 This is not a professional repair, we recommend doing it to save your wallpaper from more deterioration but individual results may vary.

Hiring a professional wallpaper installer the right way

Look for the service before purchasing the wallpaper. Talk to the installer about experience with those specific materials...

Peel and Stick Challenges and how to Solve Them
Your experience with wallpapers will affect the outcome. If you have never done it expect some minor misalignments and try to look at the overall project.
Where to Install
Got textured walls? Then you need to read this... Koko Art Shop wallpapers are designed to be installed over smooth, clean and painted walls....
Understanding Peel-and-Stick vs. Traditional Options for a Safe Interior

Wallpaper today comes in a variety of types, each with unique features that can impact air quality and safety.