Why would a removable peel and stick wallpaper lift at corners, edges, between panels, top of the wall or even fall off completely and abruptly off the wall?
Textured Walls: A removable wallpaper is not safe when installed over texture. Going for it is not recommended but securing the wallpaper with this instructions will help to avoid a fall off the wall.
Dirty Walls: How much dust is on your walls? It can be a lot! If you did some other renovation at home and you want to finish with a wallpaper just clean your wall!!! Accumulated dust on a wall can for sure damage the adhesive, the most dust the less the wallpaper is going to stick. Installing a removable wallpaper over a dusty wall is to install the wallpaper on the dust not the wall. Bad thing is you cannot remove the dust from the adhesive afterwards.
Recently Painted Walls: If you don't tell us we cannot know! If you paint and then you want to wallpaper you also need to wait 4 weeks (not days) before applying any peel and stick wallpaper (any brand) on that wall. Even low VOC paints keep emitting low grade fumes for weeks after, paint looks dry but it’s not! If you install wallpaper those fumes have nowhere to go, will generate massive bubbles on your wallpaper, the fumes also damage permanently the adhesive on your wallpaper.
Stain Blocking Paints or Primers: Stain blocking paints are formulated to block anything trying to get bonded to it. There is no way you can know for sure if a wall previously painted by a former owner or tenant is stain blocking. But if you have a stain blocking paint you won’t be able to install the wallpaper, it just won’t stick. We had a customer going through this, the wallpaper pasted on other walls but not the single one intended for the install. As a general guide oil based paints are more prone to be stain blocking, this doesn't mean they all are, but if you suspect your paint is oil based testing will be a great idea. Getting a sample and trying it on the wall is the only way to test if you have a stain blocking paint.
Low or Zero VOC paints: Low VOC paints are amazing but unfortunately they are becoming a challenge for wallpaper installations as they cause in many cases the wallpaper to fall off. The exact reason we don’t know since low VOCs formulations are protected by trade secrets. The best way to make sure the wallpaper will stick is to get a sample and test it. A simple solution for the problem is to clean the wall (recommended 2-3 times) with a mixture of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water, let dry completely, test the adhesion with a sample and afterwards proceed with the wallpaper installation. Some brands that offer low or no VOC (volatile organic compounds) are: Behr, Benjamin Moore, Rust-Oleum, Valspar, Safe Ecoat, Ecopaints.
Installing on Cracked Paint and Damaged Walls: Wallpapers are intended to protect the wall not to repair it. Wall needs to be in good condition prior to applying wallpapers.
Drastic Temperature Changes: Interior decoration removable wallpapers are susceptible to drastic temperature changes. After some time a wallpaper will become more resistant to those changes but a newly installed wallpaper will for sure suffer. Do not install your wallpaper in areas without temperature regulation or behind a heater.
Humidity Exposure: Humidity changes do affect peel and stick removable wallpapers, installations of removable materials inside bathrooms can lead to the paper lifting.
Covering Elements on the Wall: Do not use a wallpaper to cover other wallpaper previously installed, our wallpapers are only suitable for painted walls not to repair or cover elements, fabrics of wallpapers previously on the wall. They can either fall off or stick so strong you won’t be able to remove it, the outcome can be really unpredictable.
Attaching Elements to the Wallpaper: All elements you want to hang over a wall with a wallpaper need to be attached to the wall not the wallpaper. Do not paste a frame, baby sign, any type of decor or shelving with double sided tape to a wallpaper. The wallpaper will fall off along with all heavy elements attached.
We will repair peel and stick removable wallpaper with a heavy duty permanent adhesive double sided tape. This repair works when you have minor lifting, at edges, top, bottom, when troubles are starting to show.
As this is not a professional repair, we recommend doing it to save your wallpaper from more deterioration but individual results may vary.
If your wallpaper fell completely off the wall there must be a reason for it, either the adhesive is already damaged due to some surface issue or the surface is just not suitable for a removable wallpaper. In this scenario do not try to put the wallpaper back, assess and repair all issues on your wall prior wallpapering again, and if you want to avoid having a bad experience get a sample and test it in location prior going with a big order (How to test a sample link)
Step by Step repair

Locate where the edges are lifting

Lift the edge only, do not pull the whole panel. In lifting corners do not lift the material more than it is.

Cut trips of Double Sided Tape and Paste the sticky side of the tape to the adhesive side of the wallpaper. Place as close to the edge as possible but never ever over the edge.

Remove the exterior liner of the double side tape.

Once placed in position the Double Sided Tape should look colorless, very thin, and try not to install it directly over the wallpaper edge.

Place the edge back into place pressing firmly the wallpaper to the wall.
If either the wallpaper or a double sided permanent adhesive tape does not hold on your wall nothing will. I am truly sorry but if this does not work then your wall is far from appropriate to install peel and stick removable wallpaper.